God’s silence is not evidence of his absence in your life. This is actually an invitation to experience his presence in your life.

Respond to his invitation and start to refocus and see things differently. See the various ways he helps you or is trying to speak to you. Be present in all you do, experience the sounds and beauty in what you do. Even in washing wares feel the soap suds, the water on your hand.

When outside look at the beauty of the flowers the greenness of the trees, the raindrops, the brightest of the sun. Enjoy the sunrise and the sunset.

Enjoy each moment and know that once the moment has passed it has passed you cannot redo that moment. Time just keeps moving forward. So enjoy each moment to the max.

God would not always come to you like thunder or force winds but he would be very gently so look for him in everything that you do.

In any case Jesus said that he would be with us always and even stated that if two or three are gathered together he would be there. Having faith is key to feeling his presence in your life.