Tag: transformation

Real Transformation – OPEN your flow of Abundance NOW


Ever wonder why sometimes your life is a GRIND and a STRUGGLE?

While at other times it FLOWS with EASE, JOY and LOVE?

Well, it’s not luck or random chance.

In 1991 a group called the Institute of Heart Math was the first gathering of scientists ever to document the true power of the heart and its role in manifesting the life you desire.

…these scientists discovered YOUR heart’s magnetic field is MUCH more powerful than your brain.

In FACT: 5,000 times more powerful! YES, the heart’s magnetic field is FIVE THOUSAND times stronger than the brain – can you imagine that?

This means your heart is literally PULLING and CREATING REALITY around you – like a MAGNET.

Here’s the CHALLENGE:

Even though we’re born with our hearts open (and resonating with love) we CLOSE OFF our hearts over time.

GOOD NEWS: Luckily no matter how many times you’ve failed, scientists discovered as soon as “AWAKEN YOUR HEART” you can UN-KINK the hose blocking your success.

open heart

When your heart’s OPEN and your VIBRATION is high… GUESS WHAT?

…life goes smoother. You feel a DEEP connection that completes you. You find your body, mind and soul work in unison and life once again has MEANING…

You see opportunities, possibilities and a deep sense of CALM and EASE.

Best of all this is FACT: Because 250,000+ people have ALREADY been doing it and SUPPORTING people (just like you) to create thousands and thousands of LIFE transformations…


In fact, 94.2% of respondents (because of this energy support) said their “Life Got Better”!

See  more Stories of Transformation here:


“This is what I’ve been waiting for my ENTIRE LIFE!!! This was my first call and before I ever clicked on I knew that this was going to be powerful beyond words AND OMG IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!” – VE in Atlanta

Tired of theory? Want PROOF? Here’s what listeners actually reported with this HEART energy support:

1) A Deep Reconnection to LOVE once thought to be lost
2) Feeling MORE ALIVE, engaged and connected with life
3) Being able to enjoy the present moment…LONGER
4) Beautiful CLARITY, purpose, and direction in life
5) INSTANT & RAPID synchronicities with people you’ve never met
6) Rediscover childhood gifts (and PSYCHIC abilities)

Picture a NEW YOU awakening your ‘true’ energy, arising from your heart vibration, and MANIFESTING an abundant and joy-filled existence at the very SAME TIME!


P.S. – With this Energy Circle you’ll feel connected to this larger cause for GOOD – and remember it’s totally FREE!

During time of change you can be SAFE, HAPPY and in LOVE with life…

Take a breath and repeat after me, “YES, I deserve to be one of the million hearts re-awakened…”

Heart Awakening KIT>>here:

P.S.S – Oh, did you know that this project is also feeding 45 starving children every day?
It’s part of the ‘Heart Mission’ of its founder:


Darius Barazandeh.

All of it is 100% FREE but the LOVE and TRANSFORMATION they are transmitting to your heart and mine lasts forever….

CLICK HERE: >> http://www.youwealthrevolution.com/cmd.php?Clk=5325666


If you keep your business options open to the flow of abundance view this  now: http://123setsyoufree.com/ and get back to me

Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/JOIPF-Consulting-Services/614490215314863

Connect with us on linkedin: www.linkedin.com/pub/j-harewood/16/baa/3aa/


How to unleash the genius in you

Sometimes it is really difficult to find the positive side of a challenge confronting us. When dealing with adversity – a career setback, the ending of a long-time relationship or the illness of a child – it’s hard to believe there is a sunny side or a silver lining to this experience. But history is full of people who found possibilities through adversity. Reflecting on some of their achievements can remind us to look for opportunities when dealing with challenges..


If a young Spanish soccer star had not been injured seriously in a car accident and spent months recuperating in the hospital, he likely would not have discovered his musical side. The world might have missed the beautiful voice of Julio Iglesias.


McDonalds and the “golden arches” would not exist today if Ray Kroc’s several ventures had not ended in bankruptcy prior to his opportune meeting the McDonald brothers. History has it that he purchased a little hamburger stand that later became the world’s preeminent fast food franchise.

walt disney

Had Walt Disney not failed in his initial dreams to the point of bankruptcy, the magic of the Magic Kingdom and the hundreds of Disney related businesses would not exist today.

According to Napoleon Hill – “Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache, carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”

It’s the tough to believe, but sometimes we are taught lessons that will benefit us. You must allow yourself to be open to what life is teaching you and apply it later when the opportunity presents itself.

Many challenges were not insurmountable to begin with, they only needed a little creativity or fortitude and a gentle nudge from the creative side in you. Allowing yourself to have positive and affirming outlook sometimes seems contrary to what is expected of us today. We are taught to be humble lest we seem too full of ourselves. Modesty gets in the way and we are expected to play down our strengths and play up our weaknesses to help us fit in.

You have to maintain the attitude and mindset of a creative problem solver and learn to develop opportunity awareness. Look for the  possible benefits and opportunities hidden even in adversity or hardship. Learn to visualize any negative situation as an opportunity for metamorphosis, like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. Sometimes creativity calls for looking at a combination of things that you had not thought of previously.

With the help of inspirational quotes from people like McDonalds, Disney and MacGyver, allow yourself to find the opportunity  or silver lining even in the midst of challenges or tragedy.

If you believe that transforming your life would help you unleash the genius in you contact me now by completing the let’s talk option on your right.

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