Have you been telling yourself you are not good enough, you are not worthy or loved, or God would not forgive you. Things just not going right. You are not lucky.

These are lies. Luck has nothing to do with your life.

Stop and take look at the things that have happened. What decision did you have to make for this to happen? Was it your decision? Did someone put a gun to your head and say do this or that? Think about it – you have freewill. God would not interfere with that unless you come to him. He is there waiting to help you.

No – you decided that this is what you wanted to do and you went ahead with it. We all make mistakes, wrong decisions – maybe costly decisions, may even change the direction for where we want to go in life.

The thing is that Satan always wants you to believe that God was the one responsible for getting you to make those decisions, and now he is getting you to believe that because of those decisions you are not good enough or worthy enough . These are all lies.

Why would God want you to struggle and why does he want to torment you? If he is your Father and is good and merciful – ask yourself – why is he doing these things to me?

God is loving, generous , compassionate and merciful – he want the best for you. He can take all your mistakes and turn them into something good. All you need to do say is – Lord Jesus I am sorry for all the things I have done, please come into my life, help me, heal me and fill me with your presence.

Then everyday start thanking God for all the things you are grateful for and see what happens.