Have you ever heard the comment ‘God does not sleep’?

I Heard this from my Mom when I was growing up and even as an adult. When things happen she would say do not worry God may wear pajamas but “God does not sleep’.

This saying is so true.

Now I have never really paid attention to this comment until recently. One night lying in bed it dawned on me that we all breathe the same air, it is one world and the breath is God’s breath. Now, I have read and heard that God is omnipresent on more than one occasions but as the saying goes it went through one and ear and straight out of the other ear.

If God is omnipresent and in my country it is night and in another country it is day , how could God sleep if he promised to be with us always. So there is wisdom in what my Mom used to say. God rest her soul.

At one time it did flash across my mind that God maybe sleeping because I was praying very late in the night , but now I am more comfortable to praying and asking for help anytime, any where because I know he hears me. I feel now that it is not that he is sleeping but I maybe sleeping and missing out on all his blessings. You should try asking for help. There is nothing he does not know about you. Ask him to forgive you and help you. The great thing about this is that you could also ask for help for other people – your family, friends etc.

There are so many instances recorded in the Bible and also current examples where people have received help for themselves and the persons they have prayed for. I am not saying that all your prayers would be answered because God is the only one who knows what plans he has for you or for the persons who you are praying for. All I am saying is to ask him.