Tag: focus

Are you underestimating your ability to cope?

people talking

A lot of us suffer from phobias – we are afraid the job or the studies will not go well, people will laugh at us, people will talk about us, afraid to speak in public, afraid we will fail, afraid of all sorts of things etc…. Others have FOMO – fear of missing out. They want to be always special and in everything. Once that does not happen depression steps in.


There is no need to be fearful. As the saying goes garbage in garbage out. The more focus and energy you put into being afraid is the more you will be afraid.


Do not underestimate your ability to cope with these fears.  You are special and always will be. It is your destiny. You have the ability to cope so change your focus and re-position your energy.

Having a planB will help your phobia of not having enough.  Take a look and let’s talk.



Motivational and Health Tip – Planning Your Day’s Activities


Plan each day’s tasks/activities carefully and you can reach any goal that you are aiming at.


If you concentrate deeply on the completion of your tasks and complete them properly, you will achieve a higher quality and quantity.

Never start anything in an indecisive or uncertain manner.

Tackle everything with positivity as this will help your mind concentrate and attract the best work.


Health Tip

Do you know that potato juice  contains high levels of vitamins B1 and G, as well as potassium, niacin, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Dr. Michael Lam on the Dr. Lam website suggests adding vitamin-rich carrot juice or honey to fresh potato juice, or combine the juice with various teas made from chickweed, sage or nettle, among others. Because of its alkalinity, potato juice often quiets an upset stomach and aids in digestion. Lam says that potato juice has anti-inflammatory properties that benefit arthritis, lumbago and rheumatism sufferers. He recommends mixing the fresh juice with an infusion of agrimony, catnip or garlic tea for easing joint pain and inflammation from these ailments. Potato juice also improves circulation in general. Be sure to use fresh potaotes and remove all the black marks and sprouts. Red potatoes are better.

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