Tag: planning

How to have a great Friday!

Most people, especially  office workers breathe a sigh of relief because it is Friday.

In some offices there tend to be a very relaxed mood which at times may  help to move the work flows quickly or it may hamper productivity.   This is the day where we love to take the extended   lunch hour and engage in excessive chit chat – not necessarily work related.  Here are some ideas you can use to shine through the day:

1.  Do most of your work the day before or come in earlier. Oops! Did I say earlier? Yes, starting an extra hour or even half an hour earlier will help you achieve a lot and leave you free to move with the flow.

2.  Identify the things that must be done today and those you can leave off. If you place everything in the desk draw chances are that you may forget to do something important.

3.  If there is a dress down policy do adhere to it. There is nothing more distracting on the job where ladies are concerned than see-through tops and revealing assets.

4.  Do remember that whatever you do on these Fridays maybe be reflected in your performance review.

If you are a supervisor or manager this is one of the best days for reward and recognition meetings or team building.

Motivational and Health Tip – Planning Your Day’s Activities


Plan each day’s tasks/activities carefully and you can reach any goal that you are aiming at.


If you concentrate deeply on the completion of your tasks and complete them properly, you will achieve a higher quality and quantity.

Never start anything in an indecisive or uncertain manner.

Tackle everything with positivity as this will help your mind concentrate and attract the best work.


Health Tip

Do you know that potato juice  contains high levels of vitamins B1 and G, as well as potassium, niacin, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Dr. Michael Lam on the Dr. Lam website suggests adding vitamin-rich carrot juice or honey to fresh potato juice, or combine the juice with various teas made from chickweed, sage or nettle, among others. Because of its alkalinity, potato juice often quiets an upset stomach and aids in digestion. Lam says that potato juice has anti-inflammatory properties that benefit arthritis, lumbago and rheumatism sufferers. He recommends mixing the fresh juice with an infusion of agrimony, catnip or garlic tea for easing joint pain and inflammation from these ailments. Potato juice also improves circulation in general. Be sure to use fresh potaotes and remove all the black marks and sprouts. Red potatoes are better.

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