Motivation and Health Tip

5 Steps to a Heart-Healthy Diet

healthy heart

5 Steps to a Heart-Healthy Diet
from’s Heart Health Center

If you’re not already taking good care of your heart, now’s the time to start. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer among women and men in the United States. Many risk factors increase your chances of developing heart disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and being overweight.

Luckily, one of the best ways to protect your heart and reduce your risk is by eating a heart-healthy diet. Here are five steps to get you on the right track.

1. Load up on fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
These three factors are the keys to a heart-healthy diet. Balance your meals with a mix of these high-fiber foods, and feel free to include legumes and nuts as well. Fiber helps regulate blood pressure and keeps you feeling full longer. Aim for 4 1/2 cups of fruits and veggies a day and at least 3 ounces of whole grains.

2. Watch unhealthy fat and cholesterol.
Limiting the amount of saturated and trans fats you eat can help you lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of coronary artery disease. Choose healthy fats like those found in olive oil, canola oil and trans fat-free margarine instead of the ones in butter, creamy sauces, hydrogenated margarine and shortening. Look for monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, like the ones found in healthy oils, nuts, seeds, soy (tofu) and seafood.

3. Reduce your sodium intake.
Too much sodium can result in high blood pressure. Start by reducing the amount of salt you use as a seasoning when you cook, then begin paying attention to how much sodium is in the prepared foods you eat, like canned soup. You shouldn’t get more than 1,500 milligrams a day.

4. Go with low-fat protein.
Protein is an important part of your diet, but some types are better than others. Stay away from full-fat dairy products, egg yolks, fatty meats and cold cuts. Instead, opt for low-fat dairy, egg whites, lean meat, poultry, fish and legumes. Try starting a Meatless Monday tradition with your family and substitute plant protein for animal protein to reduce your fat and cholesterol intake.

5. Make a meal schedule.
Knowing what to eat and what to avoid is just the beginning of maintaining a heart-healthy diet. To ensure that you stick to the plan, create a meal schedule for your household once a week. Choose heart-healthy recipes and add the ingredients you need to buy to your shopping list. This not only can help ensure a healthy diet, but it could also lower your grocery bills.

Find out more about heart-healthy cooking.

For more information on the health topics mentioned in this article visit the areas below.

Healthy Living: Diet & Nutrition:


Heart Health Center:


Heart Disease:


Weight Management Guide:


healthy women

© 2014 HealthyWomen.  All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from HealthyWomen. 1-877-986-9472 (toll free). On the Web at:


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Are you underestimating your ability to cope?

people talking

A lot of us suffer from phobias – we are afraid the job or the studies will not go well, people will laugh at us, people will talk about us, afraid to speak in public, afraid we will fail, afraid of all sorts of things etc…. Others have FOMO – fear of missing out. They want to be always special and in everything. Once that does not happen depression steps in.


There is no need to be fearful. As the saying goes garbage in garbage out. The more focus and energy you put into being afraid is the more you will be afraid.


Do not underestimate your ability to cope with these fears.  You are special and always will be. It is your destiny. You have the ability to cope so change your focus and re-position your energy.

Having a planB will help your phobia of not having enough.  Take a look and let’s talk.


The Best Email of this year


This email has really made me think twice about  complaining.

Sometimes we think of our problems and ourselves and do not realize that there are so many people who have bigger problems than we do.

If we can only find it in our hearts to help someone in need, instead of complaining or finding fault.


How to make a New Beginning

Are you finding it hard to make  a New Beginning in 2014 ?

New beginning2

If you are finding it hard to make  a New Beginning or even to make your New Year’s resolution, here are some questions to help you get started. Sit in a quiet place with pen and paper and truly focus on these questions:


  1. What changed during the year that affected you and how are you going to use this to help you?
  2. What did you do well, or where did you exceed your expectations, and where can you apply more of this? 
  3. In what areas did you fall short, and what steps can you take to overcome this shortfall?
  4. What things you learnt about yourself or those around you that you didn’t know before, and how can you use this to your advantage?
  5. What areas of your life do you think really need transforming?
  6. Are there projects you need to continue to focus on?
  7. What behaviors do you need to change that did not contribute to your success?
  8. Who do you need to position yourself with  to move you forward?
  9. What is it that you really want to do, but keep putting off?
  10.  Are there any other changes you need to make that will carry you through 2014?

If you are honest with yourself you would recognize that you have great potential which will only reveal itself if you take action.

Do you you need help? Click the  Let’s Talk  button to the right and let me know when is the best time to call you.

If you have already completed your resolution you may want to consider a plan b.

Take a look and let’s talk.

I wish I knew – on success and happiness

I have grown to realize that we all breathe the same air. In some way we are connected, think of someone and (coincidence as we say) they appear or they may call you on the phone, and we say – I was just thinking about you or you just cross my mind. Look at someone without them looking at you and all of a sudden they turn and look at you, or sometimes you feel someone looking at you and when you turn they are truly looking at you. I wish I knew more about the awesome presence and all the mysteries of God or our creator, and then I would have taught my kids to be more aware of these mysteries.

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We all have the potential to be successful and happy; however success and happiness mean different things to different people. It is really how we look at things or how we respond when things happen to us. Just as we cannot make anyone do anything, no one can make us do anything. We are the ones who have the power to say yea or nay. No one but our self is keeping us back from being successful and happy. There is nobody to blame for anything but yourself.

success and happines

Our experiences are what determine who we are, each one provides a lesson to be learnt, and however sometimes we tend to curse these experiences or focus on the negative instead of looking to see what lessons we are supposed to learn from them. This can be so challenging when you are really down to nothing or as someone puts it when you are  at the bottom of the barrel. I really wish I knew this, as it takes courage, determination and faith to move on and our kids need to know this. They need to know when something happens it is not the end all or the be all. They need to know that God/creator/divine whatever name you select does not want to harm us, just to protect us and prepare us for something better, but we must understand this. It is only when we understand this that we would see the good that has been prepared for us.

life lessons2

I wish I knew that God guides us in a really sullen way and the only way to be aware of his guidance is to be still. This would have been a great practice for my kids. Each day you must take time and empty your thoughts and ask for guidance or as the various spiritual teachers say ‘be still and know that I am’.  As I continue to experience this stillness I have grown  to be so much more patient and accommodating and at peace.


I really wish I knew the experience of being in the moment – of knowing that right here, right now I can be happy. Not worrying about anything but having a deep knowing that everything is being taken care of, that I have everything I need. I have wisdom, peace, love, joy, abundance etc. This is what I wish I had taught my kids to know, just know that all is well, without doubt, fear or worry.

life lessons3

How to earn residual income:

101 Great Ways to compete in the job market

Get a copy here:

I wish I knew – thoughts on growing up


When I was a child I wish I knew that all words and thoughts create reality and that my imagination also impacted my life. If I knew this I would have indulged in more meaningful thoughts and definitely imagine more of the things that I would have liked to have in my life.


As a child I was consumed by helping with the household chores, doing school work and looking after my sisters. In between these activities I loved watching movies especially the romantic ones and at times I would day dream about the stars. Now I know If only I had day dreamed more life would have evolved better.

My Mom did all she can to ensure we had the basic – food, shelter, clothing and a good education. Today not all kids appreciate what their parents do for them. They take them for granted. It has become what I can get from Mom and Dad instead of how can I do my part to help.

My husband and I brought our kids up based on what we saw our parents did and nothing was wrong with that, but now I wished I had known about the impact of our thoughts so I could have imparted more of this knowledge on our kids at an earlier age.

  children with computer

In this technologically advanced world kids need to appreciate and understand life from an early age. I wish I know that we needed to share more information with them about how they fit in and the impact certain actions will have on their life. We need to stop sheltering them and waiting until they grow up before discussing certain life issues with them. After all if we do not do it someone out there will and by then it may be too late. We also need to encourage our children so that they will know that they do not need to wait on anyone or anything to be happy, joyful and loving. It is always their decision.

 light and body

As we mature we continuously look outside of ourselves for what we want. Most of our time may be spent in working to get what we want or we may spend time running after someone so they can love us or be friends with us. We fail to realize that everything is within us. As the saying goes ‘The kingdom of God is within us’. I wish I knew then that we are whole and complete and that whatever happens to us we will always remain whole and complete unless we decide otherwise. This is something that our kids should know as they travel along their life’s path trying to find their purpose. They must realize that how you live your life is how you respond to the challenges or obstacles that you are faced with daily, whether in thoughts, words or actions, and no one else can do this for you. It is your choice to free will. I wish I knew this very early in my life.

Take some time to ponder on what you know now and what you wished you knew and learn from these experiences and uplift someone – someone who may just need a smile, a handshake, a nod or a hug. Just something to say that it is okay, everything will be alright, you are not alone, once you believe.

101 great ways to compete for a job in today’s market

101 great ways

Greatest Gold-Mine Of Wisdom Crammed Into One Product

Dear Friends,

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Jack Canfield, Co-Author of the best selling series “Chicken Soup for the Soul” described David’s book as: “The most impressive collection of the best-of-the-best advice from the world’s top success experts. You can invest the next 30-40 years searching for answers or can buy this book now.”

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David’s powerful story is below. I urge you to look at this now!

Explore your options.

Stay healthy



Finding the opportunity to encourage

Why we need to encourage others especially our young people.

I was recently involved in a Mentoring Program for young women at RM Bailey Senior High School in the Bahamas, and I was encouraged by the fact that these young women devoted their lunch time to listen to me talk about having a vision and charting their lives.

This experience made me realize that a bit of encouragement goes a long way. Their Guidance Counselor- Mrs. Andrea Eve was there every week encouraging them to attend. She even arranged lunch for them for the ten weeks of the program, and offered tokens for those who presented the best vision board and for attendance. Below Christina Robinson of RM Bailey Senior High presents her Vision Board.


We have to continuously find the opportunity to encourage others. Encouragement must have meaning, according to Nicky Gumbel …’Encouragement is not flattery or empty praise; it is like verbal sunshine. It costs nothing and warms other people’s hearts and inspires them with hope and confidence in their faith. .’

Make a difference in someone’s life by encouraging them, whether it is on the job or at home, especially the young people. So many of our young people have no idea of how to plan their lives, they have children at an early age, they get involved in situations way over their heads, they get involved with the wrong company of friends, and when they do get a job they do not even know how to fit in. Our young people and even those persons who may be struggling need to know they are going on the right track and you can make a difference in their lives.

At one time in my job someone said ‘why should I encourage or appreciate anyone, no one encourages or appreciates me?’ Even managers sometimes find it hard to encourage their employees because they are of the view that they are there to do a job and they are getting paid for that. so they do not need any further encouragement. They do not realize that these are the right opportunities to encourage people, thereby enhancing performance for both employee and the company.

Today I urge you to encourage somebody, do not wait for someone to encourage you first. As you continue to encourage people you will feel more appreciated and more people will start to encourage and appreciate you.

Would you share your story to help someone?

If you were asked to share your story during your lunch hour to help a young person/woman, would you help?

Some people when asked to give up their lunch hour come up with all kinds of excuses – the traffic – it will take me more than one hour to get to you, I use my hour to do personal stuff, I have some work to complete, and the list goes on. Others would shy away from telling their story. However, this is exactly what our young people especially young women need. They need to hear and see that someone had the same challenges they are having and that they were able to overcome their challenges and find their true purpose or even do something meaningful with their life.
Four Powerful Women
On May 7, 2013 coordinated by Mrs. Andrea Eve of RM Bailey Senior High, six (6) Bahamian women – Mrs. Alana McCartney – Senior Human Resource Manager – Scotiabank – Bahamas; Mrs. Emily Williams- Entertainer & Beauty Salon Proprietor; Captain Gwendolyn Ritchie – Bahamasair; Ghandi Pinder -Radio Personality at Gems Radio and Public Relations Manager for Frankie’s Gone Bananas and Bamboo Shack; and Dr. Saria Sears and Dr. Taliethia Johnson-Minnis – (not in picture) took their lunch time to share their experiences with approximately thirty (30) young women at R.M Bailey Senior High School – Bahamas. They were asked to share how they got into their career, the challenges and what would the girls require if they had a desire to get into that specific profession.

The wealth of knowledge and experience was awesome. The girls heard about commitment, self-Discipline, perseverance, patience, being focus, having a purpose, having passion and putting God first. They also learnt about conduct and never giving up.

There is something there for each us. Sometimes we just need another person to open our ears and eyes so we can hear and see an example. We need to know that despite our challenges we can do our part in life. I recently read the following story about the water bearer from one of Nicky Gumbel’s daily writings:

‘A water-bearer in India had two large pots, both hung on the ends of a pole, which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot always arrived half full.
The poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water-bearer one day by the stream:
‘I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts.’
The bearer said to the pot, ‘Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you’ve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.’
Thank God, you do not need to be perfect for God to use you. We all want to be useful. We want our lives to count for something.’

You can be useful by sharing your story to change the life of a young person or young woman.

Place your comments and tell us your story (how did you decide on your career/profession, what were your challenges and if someone was interested in that field what are the requirements) so we can share and make a difference for the future generation.

Take time to listen

Life is always there helping if you take time to listen. The following is my personal experience:

Recently we opened an account with a courier company and we had to provide our Credit Card number. Unknowing to us the Bank placed a hold on the entire Credit Card Account instead of just the amount required by the courier company.

Meanwhile being in a foreign country, I am still exploring supermarkets and I am on the way to a new one. No cash on me but I have my debit and credit cards.

While on my way, on three occasions I felt that I should stop by the ABM to withdraw cash.
Being stubborn I am telling myself –‘it is a big supermarket they must have links up’.

So I reached the supermarket, picked up what I wanted and headed to the cashier. After the cashier swiped the card – she said ‘DECLINED’.
What embarrassment!

I left and went in search of an ABM, got the cash and returned to pay for my purchases.

On the way to get the cash I was a bit furious with myself because it dawned on me that I had ample warning about taking out cash, if I had just listen.

Sometimes it helps to take time and listen to that still small voice. It certainly will save a lot of embarrassment and time.

Feel free to share your experiences.

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