Tag: life coach

#1 Way to bounce back

When life takes a different turn to what you had planned, you will sometimes find it difficult to bounce back. Your mind starts to wonder ‘why is this happening’ especially if this situation had happened previously.


You fail to recognize that these are experiences, that failure is life’s way of saying you need to pay attention to certain things e.g improve your skills, your attitude or some other aspect of your life.

The best way to bounce back is to see things for what it is.

looking for a job

So you lost your job, but you did not like the job in the first place.  When you got the job opportunity instead of starting off observing the environment and learning all you can, you became obsessed with pleasing people.  You got involved in the office politics and now you drag yourself to get up to go to the office. You now need to start over. Find a job that you are passionate about. Something, that at the end of the day you feel a sense of accomplishment. Observation and learning is key in the probationary stage. Do not rush to please the boss or manager, and be careful of people who are too nice to you. The knowledge you acquire from observing and learning will move you quickly through the ranks.

If you were bypassed for a position take this opportunity to re-brand yourself. Have a documented approach to your re-branding.  Find ways to develop yourself for the position you want. Get a Life Coach and one or two mentors. Add new circles of influence. Review your dress code. Lose or put on weight if you have to.

broken heart

If you are trying to bounce back from a relationship realize that there is no love lost. You were always loved and will always be loved.  You cannot love someone for whatever number of years and then say I no longer love you. Was that really true love in the first place?  Find a Life Coach and transform yourself. Join new groups. Find your true purpose. The more you achieve celebrate your achievements.

cocoon and butterfly

You have to be truly committed to transforming. Some people may want to take the easy way out, but know this you must put effort into anything you want to achieve.

Bouncing back is like being on a trampoline the lower you fall the higher you get back up.

person on a tramploene

The best way to bounce back is to see things as they are, observe and learn and use this knowledge to transform yourself and guide you to the next stage of your life.

Need help to bounce back insert your contact infor in the green box on the right of this screen or email us now – joseylifeline@gmail.com?

Today’s job market can be a grueling affair, so  If you are looking for a job or want to change your career or job ‘101 Great Ways to Compete in Today’s Market’ is an excellent book to help you compete.  Email joseylifeline@gmail.com for a copy.

101 Great Ways to Compete in the Job Market

What to do when everything else fails?

We all have problems some more than others. How do we deal with our problems?
Some people internalize their problems and these manifest into various illnesses – headaches, digestive problems, cancer and arthritis to name a few.

Others take their problems out on whoever they can – at home they quarrel, fight, at work they find fault in everything, they are very bitter and complain about everything and everybody.

On the job it affects your performance – you make mistakes, you miss deadlines and if you are a supervisor or manager you jeopardize your relationship with your team.

I thought that I would share the following excerpt taken from the Bible in One Year by Nickel Gumbel:

When all else fails – Keep praising God in spite of every difficulty

2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Are you experiencing trouble in your life? Have you been hurt, disappointed or mistreated in some way? Have you suffered loss or bereavement? Are you under great pressure? Are you facing great temptations or difficult personal relationships?

Paul was the founding pastor of the Corinthian church. In this, his most personal letter, he reveals the heart of a leader. He reveals his feelings as a man of flesh and blood who knows what it is to go through trouble (v.4), sufferings (vv.5–8), distress (v.6), hardship (v.8), pressure (v.8) – the word Paul used means to be pushed down under great weight.

He had been in despair (v.8), he had felt like he had ‘been sent to death row’ (v.9, MSG), he had faced ‘deadly peril’ (v.10). As well as physical persecution, he had faced criticism, ridicule, sickness, depression, bereavement, injustice, disappointments, temptations and difficult personal relationships.

Sir Winston Churchill said, ‘The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.’ By this definition Paul was definitely an optimist!

He starts the letter with praise – not for the problems but for the positive benefits that have come through them. What are these benefits? How can you and I see the benefits in every difficulty?

You will be comforted
‘The God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles’ (vv.3–4). The word for comfort means to encourage, cheer, come alongside. He is the ‘Father of compassion’ (v.3). He is not aloof from suffering. He comes alongside us and suffers with us.

You will be a help to others
If you are in a time of suffering right now it may not seem much comfort – but one day you will bring great comfort to other people. ‘He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us’ (v.4, MSG). Those who have faced difficulty in life make the most effective ministers.

You will be changed
Hardship ‘produces in you patient endurance’ (v.6). Like gold refined by fire or a vine pruned to produce more fruit, difficulties lead to patience, endurance, steadfastness and perseverance. They lead to character transformation.

You will not be alone
Paul writes ‘Just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort’ (v.7). The word he uses for ‘share’ comes from the Greek word koinonia which is the word used to describe the closest possible relationship. As we are going through difficulties together we should experience an extraordinary closeness of relationship as we comfort and encourage one another, ‘Your hard times are also our hard times’ (v.7, MSG).

You will learn to trust God
When things go well it is easy to become self-reliant. But when everything goes wrong and we reach the end of our tether, we are forced to trust God. As Paul puts it, ‘Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get out of it, we were forced to trust God totally’ (v.9, MSG).

As Oswald Chambers wrote, ‘God expects His children to be so confident in Him that in any crisis they are the ones who are reliable.’

You will be rescued
Paul writes, ‘He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us’ (v.10). As we look back and see that God has delivered us in the past, we can be confident he will deliver us in the future.

Your prayers will help others
Prayer is powerful. God really does answer prayer. One of the best ways we can help other people is by praying for them ‘As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favour granted us in answer to the prayers of many’ (v.11). When your prayers are answered God will be glorified.

Lord, thank you that there is a reason that you allow us to go through trials and troubles. Help us to see the benefits in every difficulty. May we experience your comfort and learn to rely not on ourselves but on you. Lord, as I look to the months ahead, I cry out to you for help …

As a supervisor or manager I urge you to email me for a free Life Coach session.

Most successful people have coaches why shouldn’t you?

Motivational and Health Tip – Success


Feel yourself a success, if you  believe that you are a success you will put yourself in an attitude of success.

Do not be afraid to take on something big –  go at it with force and look for methods to accomplish it.

You may not at first be totally successful, but aim high so that if you fall a little short you will still have

accomplished something.

What others have done, you can do. You may even do what others have been unable to do.

Always keep a strong desire to succeed in your mind.


Health Tip

Do you know that apple cider vinegar, pure honey and warm water helps gas pains, indigestion and acid reflux?


1 to 2 teaspoons raw apple cider vinegar (preferably organic)
1 to 2 teaspoons pure honey
8 ounces of water (warm enough to dissolve the honey, but not essential)

Apple has been known to help digestion-related ailments. You know the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the Doctor away’.

Also at the first sign of the flu, when you feel the throat is getting sore gargle some apple cider vinegar in room temperature water. You will be amazed at the results.

Motivational and Health Tip – Be Still

Too often when we have a problem we act on impulse. We curse, we say the wrong things to our loved ones, we smash things etc .. and we are so embarrassed and harassed after.
It is best and always wiser to be still like a child and wait for guidance from within.

When we think we are sinking or overwhelmed, remember there is unlimited power within waiting to fulfil whatever need we have or whatever problem we have to solve.

Health Tip

Did you know that if you massage the acupressure point in the area on top of the foot between the first and second toes this helps your liver, which is the organ that filters blood, releases stored sugar and helps in the formation of protein? You also get a surge of energy. So slip off your shoes and try it.

Living, Loving and Mattering

Some time ago I viewed a webinar hosted by Brendon Burchard and he asked ,

Are you really living, loving and mattering or making a difference?

I thought to myself, “Sure, I am living. I am breathing aren’t I?” Yes, I know how to love; I love my
husband, my sons and my mother and sisters. Certainly I feel as though I am making a difference as I try
to give back when I can.
After some time, the question kept resurfacing to the top of my thoughts.

Are you really living, loving and making a difference?

For years I got up around five a.m. every morning, with the same routine day in and day out. I
would prepare breakfast, ensure everyone is ready to leave for school or work. Find myself on the
job for 7.30 sometimes 8.00 am and return home around 5.30 p.m to resume the process all over.
During those years I also completed my degree which entailed longer waking hours and a struggle to
balance work, life and the studies. Over the last six years I got involved in some volunteer work which at
times seemed to be more stressful than actually giving back. At that time I assumed that I was making a
living and looking after my family and giving back. Now as I exit the corporate working world and enter
into a new stage of my life I am now thinking what is living anyway? What is it to really live?

As I continue to ponder on the question of living, I realized that we all are living but at a different level. I
know now that Living is enjoying what you do, being at peace with yourself and using your talents and
skills to give back. I know people who say that living is doing what they want when they want. For them it
is enjoying life to the max. Yet I have met others who stay in jobs that they do not like, they complain
bitterly about the boss, their co-workers and the company’s policies but they remain in the job. Their point
is that they have a job or they are making a living. I know because I have been there. I spent most of my
working years in the financial services sector. I never loved mathematics or accounts, but I had good
organization skills and I love to help people. I used to feel a deep sense of satisfaction when I see
somebody who I helped progress in the organization where I worked. I also always dreamed of having
my own business

To be truly living is to identify your true purpose and go after it.

The more I journeyed through life I realized that I did not know my true purpose. If I have to live I have to
know what to do to live., and I have to enjoy it. I do not just want to make a living, I want to make a
difference in people’s lives and I want to love with no biases. I look at the people I know and met and too
many people are just there. They are living but missing out on what life is all about. Some work
continuously on their 8-5 job, not enjoying the fruits of their labour. Others are so obsessed about their
job and making a living that all the money is being channelled into medical bills, because they are so
stressed. During my job experience I met people who were so wealthy yet I was amazed about their
health issues. Then there are others who are struggling with life, they are discouraged, have low self-
esteem, just moving with the flow or complaining about everything and everybody. They even take out
their problems on their loved ones. . Not realizing that there has to be another way. Yet we all are living.
We are all breathing the same air. What if these people knew their true purpose?

I believe that at some point we need someone to guide us along to discover what our true purpose is . I
also know that all things happen at the right time. Without the skills and experiences that I have acquired
over the years I would not have been able to use these to help anyone. Now I can help people using my
business, work and life experiences. So my question is are you truly living? Be honest with yourself. Why
are you here? Are you accomplishing what you want to achieve? What is it that puts a smile on your face
or that makes you feel that deep sense of fulfilment?

If you would like to explore these questions drop me an email – joseylifeline@gmail.com

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