Motivation and Health Tip

Why Me? Me and my wind shield.

WHY ME – Me and my wind shield

Have you ever wondered why things just happen?

This is the first in the series of Why Me?
I dropped my son to the Lynden Pindling International Airport in Bahamas around 10.45 am and on my way back, travelling west on the John F. Kennedy Drive which is undergoing some road works, a vehicle going east went by so fast that it caused a stone to hit my car’s wind shield. All I heard was  ‘PAX!’

I ducked, and then quickly, but cautiously looked up to see a crack in my car’s  wind shield right in front of my face. Oh my God!!

My mind started to race – WHY ME? There is a power outage – seems island wide, the communication system is down, so I cannot call my husband or anyone. I continued driving slowly afraid that the wind shield will come apart. As I continued along the road I noticed someone was having car problems and was being given a jump start. I looked at my crack which now looked like an extended   “Nike” trade mark.

I thanked God that at least I did not have to stop to flag down anyone for help.

I reached home safe with my extended Nike trade mark in my wind shield, but I am now worrying about the cost to replace. I thought everything is expensive. How long will it take to be repaired? Do they have wind shields in stock? Would we have to rent a car? Would the insurance pay? What if the Insurance Company will not pay?

Of course in times like these you drop to your knees and ask for help so before retiring to bed, knees to floor – ‘Holy Father let me get the wind screen repaired free of charge’.

The next day my husband arranged for me to visit the Wind Shield Repairs Company and the Insurance Company. The Insurance Company did agree to settle and it was just $480.00. What a relief!

I ask myself was there a lesson to be learnt from this? Why did this have to happen to me? There I was taking my time on the road, driving within the speed limit, a bit sad that my son had left,  but happy that we had a good time together, and now this!

The thing is we worry so much about things that may not even happen. We put the body under so much stress, which causes a lot of different illnesses, when we can just have faith that all will be well.

So today I want you to put the worry aside and know that whatever you are going through all will be well. As the saying goes –“You never get more than you can handle”.






The Good, The Bad and The In Between!

These days everywhere I turn someone I know has cancer, or someone I know, knows someone who has cancer. Cancer has no preferences.

I have only heard about these people but I have never knowingly met any Cancer patients until recently, and these are my experiences.

A couple of months ago I became friends with a very devout Christian lady whom I found out later has Cancer.  I greatly admire this lady as no one would ever know that she has Cancer.  She recently indicated that she might have to undergo surgery for the Cancer, but she would allow the doctors to operate on any part of her body except her brain. She happily said, and with confidence ‘once it is my brain, no, let me go to meet my Lord’. She is always very cheerful and always deeply devoted to being a soldier for the Lord’s works. When I look at her, I think God gives us troubles but also gives us the courage, strength and attitude to deal with it. This lady reminds me somewhat of Job from the Bible who was plagued with illness and troubles, yet he continued praising the Lord incessantly. It is with her in mind I am moved to write this article.

I am of the view that when you are stricken with illness or life’s troubles you either, put your hands up in the air and give up or wallow in your troubles and dwindle away quickly or you fight.


Change the way you look at things, change your attitude and make peace with your creator. Of course this may be easier to say than do, but you soon realize that there are only two choices.

I also heard of a Priest who is battling with cancer. How can this be? Priests, Pastors all the people who spread God’s word teach us how to pray and even pray for healing for us. I was talking to a ninety-six year old lady and she said ‘we all have to suffer’, so I guess there are no exemptions.

My next encounter was in February 2012 when I met a sixteen year old girl named Lisa. She had a rare type of cancer. This affected her muscles. The Doctors had decided that they could do no more for her so she was at home being looked after by a Caretaker, her older cousin.

I visited Lisa on a number of occasions, and what I admired about her was her courage. She was always smiling despite the excruciating pain she endured. She had very huge bulges over her legs and under her neck. I remember praying with her and for her and also fighting back the tears when I saw her grimacing in pain.

I would take fruits for her, and got her Caretaker to give her a blend of apple, carrot and potato juice (this organic blend helped eased her pain), together with chai seeds, and Green Tea with Ganoderma. I regretted that I did not meet her before.

I recall the week before Lisa moved on, her Doctor said she thought she would have been worse, and for the last week before leaving this life she had no pains.

She spent the day before her passing with her Grandmother and Uncle and some other family members who visited and finally spent the rest of the night, up till two am bonding with her mother and Caretaker. Early that morning Lisa moved on in her sleep, very quietly. For me such courage is indescribable.

I also know of people who have been very mean and hurtful to other people, who have been struck with cancer. At one time it would not bother me that people who hurt others get sick even with Cancer, but I realize that we do not know why these people hurt other people and we must have an open mind and heart. We must also learn to forgive.

Quite alarming was the fact that the Bahamas Daily Newspapers a few months ago reported that Bahamas is one of the countries with a very high rate of persons who have been diagnosed with cancer. So those destructive bastard cells do not differentiate between the good, the bad or the in between but they have victims in every country.



What is Cancer?

The best explanation I have seen for Cancer is one from Gary Null ,Ph.D in his book ‘The Complete Encyclopaedia of Natural Healing’. According to Null Cancer is really a group of diseases in which cells do not follow the regular growth and reproduction that is common to diseases. Instead they multiply more rapidly than normal killing other body cells, and they spread from their primary location to other parts of the body by using the bloodstream and lymphatic system. The most common are tumours that start in the skin or in glandular tissue like the breast or prostrate gland.  There are other types that affect the bone, muscle and cartilage like in the case of Lisa.

It has been said that while there are some Cancer that are hereditary, because our diet lack adequate nutrients causing an acidic environment in our bodies, we have  introduced various chemicals for producing our foods,  and most of us live in the fast lane we set the stage for Cancer.

What can you do?

There are so many options available now, so I will just list a couple that I have noticed people are trying and getting results. Of course each of our bodies are different so what works with one person may not necessarily work for you, but where health is concerned once it is natural there is no harm in trying it. I am not a Doctor but a lot of these options you can do while continuing on your medication until you experience the results you want. Even if you do not have Cancer the following can still be used to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


  1. When your body speaks to you do not be afraid to go to the Doctor to check out what is happening.

Many times we have a pain or we feel something different with our body and we let it linger. Your body knows when something is wrong, so take the time to find out, and then with this information you can decide how to deal with it.

2. Be sure to have a cleanse every two to three months. Build-up of waste in the body causes excess fat and toxins to pile up. This can result in diseases. My mother always says ‘make sure and take some Senna Leaves every now and again’. I did not pay much attention, but as I mature there is wisdom in what she said.


3. Watch what you eat

You may want to change to a healthier diet, cutting out the fast foods and ditching the fried stuff for grill or broil. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Some people have found it beneficial to use whole foods, whole grains etc. If you are not discipline enough take a daily supplement that has powerful ingredients to help you get all the vitamins you need.

4.  Exercise. Exercise. Exercise.

I am at times guilty of this, but every health practitioner stresses this.  There are three things about good health – proper nutrition, adequate hydration and adequate exercise. I learnt that Cardio exercise gets the heart rate up and resistance exercise builds muscle and strengthens bones. Of course as we mature we need the muscle and our bones must remain strong. Exercise not only burns calories but keeps the blood and lymph fluids circulating and this helps to get rid of toxins. Sometimes we are not discipline enough to exercise, so having a Mentor helps with this.

5. Take Acidophilus. This is a probiotic which helps to eliminate or reduce the production of cancer causing chemicals. It also helps to deactivate cancerous causing enzymes. When you are on antibiotics or any medication for a prolonged period of time, both the good and bad bacteria are killed off. You will not be able to consume adequate nutrient based foods to replace the good bacteria so the Acidophilus replaces the good bacteria for you. I recall having been on Antibiotics for several years. When I eventually had a blood analysis done, the Nutritionist indicated that my body was lacking of good bacteria and this was causing some health problems for me.  Whenever you take Antibiotics you should replace the good bacteria. If your body is low on good bacteria you are exposed to all types of illnesses starting with your digestive system.

6. Boost the immune system with Co Q10. Health experts claim that this is a nutrient that is used for healthy immune system.

7. Avoid sugars, and excessive fats.  We all have that sweet tooth and we know now that sugar is acidic and affects our insulin level which in turn causes Diabetes. Excessive fats especially animal fats contribute to those extra pounds and puts a strain on our body which brings on all types of ailments.



8.Reduce or avoid red meat, unless you can be absolutely sure this is from animals that have been grass fed. You will notice a big difference if you can achieve this.


9. Keep the body hydrated; drink your six to eight glasses of pure water daily. You can also use Lemon juice in water, wheat grass or Chai seeds. Cancer or any other disease cannot strive in an alkaline environment, so the trick is to keep your body alkaline in order to balance the pH of the blood.


10. If you have been diagnosed start thinking organic e.g  a  blend of potato, carrot and apple may  help with your pains. This also helps eliminate tumours and help with acid reflux. I have personally used it for acid reflux. Take it on an empty stomach in the morning and before five pm in the afternoon. Some people also claim that eating Soursop and drinking tea made from Papaya or Pawpaw leaves help. As with everything else if you have been diagnosed make sure your Health Practitioner is aware of your diet.

11. Use Green tea or Coffee with Ganoderma. Ganoderma mushrooms are known to be effective for controlling cancer cells of the breast, lung and prostrate. Green Tea also counters the effect of radiation.

12 .Start daily forgiveness. Do not hold anything against anybody. Make   a list and forgive and let go. Research has shown that some people with Cancer had been harbouring a number of grudges and un-forgiveness.

13 .Do some deep breathing exercises daily. This helps to put more oxygen back into your system. Inhale through your nostrils and fill the stomach and then exhale through the mouth. You should see the stomach getting larger when you inhale and being reduced when you exhale.

14 .Meditate. Take time off daily and just sit still and be at peace with  yourself and everyone and ask for guidance from the creator.

15.Start being grateful for what you have and give back. Help someone in need without expecting them to repay you. Smile and be courteous. Laugh more and enjoy life. After all you only pass this way once so make the best of it!


References: The Complete Encyclopaedia of Natural Healing. The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapy by Mark Stengler. The US National Library –

Motivation Tip – Love That Will Not Let Me Go

A lesson for us all even if we do not believe.


George Matheson was born in Glasgow, the eldest of eight children.  He had only partial vision as a boy.  By the age of twenty he was completely blind.  When his fiancée learnt he was going blind and that there was nothing the doctors could do, she told him she could not go through life with a blind man.


He never married.

He was helped by a devoted sister throughout his ministry.  She learnt Greek, Latin and Hebrew in order to aid him in his studies.  Despite his handicap, Matheson had a brilliant career at the Glasgow Academy, University of Glasgow and the Church of Scotland Seminary.

When he was forty years old, something bittersweet happened.  His sister married.  Not only did this mean that he lost her companionship – it also brought a fresh reminder of his own heartbreak.  In the midst of this intense sadness, on the eve of his sister’s marriage, he wrote one of the most popular and best loved hymns of the Christian church – ‘O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go’.  He completed the whole work in five minutes and never edited, corrected or retouched it.  ‘This came,’ he wrote, ‘like a day spring from on high.’

O Joy that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to thee;
I trace the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain,
That morn shall tearless be.

Troubles are part of life.  Jesus faced trouble and so did the apostles, David, and all the people of God.  In each of the passages for today we read about lots of troubles.  However, as Matheson’s hymn beautifully articulates, troubles do not have the last word.


Restored after many troubles

Psalm 71:19-24

God does not promise us an easy path.  Life at times can be extremely hard.  The psalmist has seen ‘troubles, many and bitter’ (v.20).  His troubles, pressures and worries were not occasional or trivial.  They were numerous and serious.  He gives us a model of how to respond in these circumstances.

  • Keep trusting

It is easy to trust God when things are going well.  The challenge is to keep trusting in the midst of troubles.  David does not stop believing in the goodness of God: ‘Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God, you who have done great things.  Who, O God, is like you?’ (v.19).

  • Keep hoping

Troubles do not last forever.  In the midst of his troubles, he has hope that at the end: ‘You will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.  You will increase my honour and comfort me once again’ (vv.20b–21).

  • Keep worshipping

He keeps on praising God in spite of the troubles: ‘I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praise to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel.  My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you – I, whom you have redeemed’ (vv.22–23).

Lord, there is no one like you.  Your righteousness reaches to the skies.  You have done great things.  Thank you that though we may see troubles many and bitter, you promise to restore our life again.  I praise you for your faithfulness.  My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you – ‘I, whom you have redeemed.’

 Taken from The Bible in One Year by Nickel Gumbel

Motivation and Health Tip – Be Yourself and Weight Loss Tip


We all want to be like someone else.
We want to be like this star, or this leader,
or we want to look like this or that person.

Why don’t you just be yourself!!

Oscar Wilde said:
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

In performing the wedding ceremony of
Prince William and Catherine Middleton, the Bishop
of London used this quote from St Catherine of
” Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.”



Do you know that eating while engaged in another
activity like watching TV  or reading actually
increases weight gain because digestion slows
down allowing more fat to build up?

So focus on your eating.
Have a glass of room temperature water before you eat.
Start with your salad or vegetables first.
Avoid drinking while chewing as this increases the chance of gas.
End with a hot drink. This aids digestion.

Stop Looking back and the benefits of cold water fish


Are you constantly looking back and re-living all your hurts and pains?
Are you walking with your head down and shoulders slouched because you
are focusing on self-pity, all your disappointments and complaining about everything?

Don’t you dare give up on what Tomorrow holds because of what you are seeing today!

Life has a way of changing sometimes in a day or immediately and you have what it
takes to receive all the good that life has to offer.



Do you know that eating one meal per week of cold water fish
( mackerel, tuna, herring, salmon, cod, trout, sardines or halibut)
can reduce the risk of heart attack by half?

Eating this meal increases the good cholesterol (HDL) and
decreases the bad cholesterol (LDL).

References: – Become a better you – Joel Osteen, God wants you to know – Neale Donald Walsch,
Balanced Healing – Larry Altshuler,MD

Motivation and Health Tip – Affirm Your Day


Affirm your day  by saying:
I have a blessed, productive day.
I complete all my day’s activities, peacefully,
effortlessly and in perfect timing.
Use this with all situations in your life.
You will be amazed at the results!



Do you know that eating Pawpaw or Papaya  after your regular meals may help with your blood sugar and cholesterol count?

You can check this out in the 2005 edition of the “Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy”.

Motivational and Health Tip – Planning Your Day’s Activities


Plan each day’s tasks/activities carefully and you can reach any goal that you are aiming at.


If you concentrate deeply on the completion of your tasks and complete them properly, you will achieve a higher quality and quantity.

Never start anything in an indecisive or uncertain manner.

Tackle everything with positivity as this will help your mind concentrate and attract the best work.


Health Tip

Do you know that potato juice  contains high levels of vitamins B1 and G, as well as potassium, niacin, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Dr. Michael Lam on the Dr. Lam website suggests adding vitamin-rich carrot juice or honey to fresh potato juice, or combine the juice with various teas made from chickweed, sage or nettle, among others. Because of its alkalinity, potato juice often quiets an upset stomach and aids in digestion. Lam says that potato juice has anti-inflammatory properties that benefit arthritis, lumbago and rheumatism sufferers. He recommends mixing the fresh juice with an infusion of agrimony, catnip or garlic tea for easing joint pain and inflammation from these ailments. Potato juice also improves circulation in general. Be sure to use fresh potaotes and remove all the black marks and sprouts. Red potatoes are better.

Living, Loving and Mattering

Some time ago I viewed a webinar hosted by Brendon Burchard and he asked ,

Are you really living, loving and mattering or making a difference?

I thought to myself, “Sure, I am living. I am breathing aren’t I?” Yes, I know how to love; I love my
husband, my sons and my mother and sisters. Certainly I feel as though I am making a difference as I try
to give back when I can.
After some time, the question kept resurfacing to the top of my thoughts.

Are you really living, loving and making a difference?

For years I got up around five a.m. every morning, with the same routine day in and day out. I
would prepare breakfast, ensure everyone is ready to leave for school or work. Find myself on the
job for 7.30 sometimes 8.00 am and return home around 5.30 p.m to resume the process all over.
During those years I also completed my degree which entailed longer waking hours and a struggle to
balance work, life and the studies. Over the last six years I got involved in some volunteer work which at
times seemed to be more stressful than actually giving back. At that time I assumed that I was making a
living and looking after my family and giving back. Now as I exit the corporate working world and enter
into a new stage of my life I am now thinking what is living anyway? What is it to really live?

As I continue to ponder on the question of living, I realized that we all are living but at a different level. I
know now that Living is enjoying what you do, being at peace with yourself and using your talents and
skills to give back. I know people who say that living is doing what they want when they want. For them it
is enjoying life to the max. Yet I have met others who stay in jobs that they do not like, they complain
bitterly about the boss, their co-workers and the company’s policies but they remain in the job. Their point
is that they have a job or they are making a living. I know because I have been there. I spent most of my
working years in the financial services sector. I never loved mathematics or accounts, but I had good
organization skills and I love to help people. I used to feel a deep sense of satisfaction when I see
somebody who I helped progress in the organization where I worked. I also always dreamed of having
my own business

To be truly living is to identify your true purpose and go after it.

The more I journeyed through life I realized that I did not know my true purpose. If I have to live I have to
know what to do to live., and I have to enjoy it. I do not just want to make a living, I want to make a
difference in people’s lives and I want to love with no biases. I look at the people I know and met and too
many people are just there. They are living but missing out on what life is all about. Some work
continuously on their 8-5 job, not enjoying the fruits of their labour. Others are so obsessed about their
job and making a living that all the money is being channelled into medical bills, because they are so
stressed. During my job experience I met people who were so wealthy yet I was amazed about their
health issues. Then there are others who are struggling with life, they are discouraged, have low self-
esteem, just moving with the flow or complaining about everything and everybody. They even take out
their problems on their loved ones. . Not realizing that there has to be another way. Yet we all are living.
We are all breathing the same air. What if these people knew their true purpose?

I believe that at some point we need someone to guide us along to discover what our true purpose is . I
also know that all things happen at the right time. Without the skills and experiences that I have acquired
over the years I would not have been able to use these to help anyone. Now I can help people using my
business, work and life experiences. So my question is are you truly living? Be honest with yourself. Why
are you here? Are you accomplishing what you want to achieve? What is it that puts a smile on your face
or that makes you feel that deep sense of fulfilment?

If you would like to explore these questions drop me an email –

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